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近 jin

Home Pinyin jin

逼近 bījìn approach; approximations

附近 fùjìn nearby; vicinity

渐近 jiànjìn asymptotic

将近 jiāngjìn nearly

接近 jiējìn approximates; close; nearing; proximity

近百 jìn bǎi nearly hundred

近端 jìnduān proximal

近乎 jìnhū near; verges; verging

近期 jìnqí recent

近几年 jìn jǐ nián recent years

近距离 jìn jùlí close range

近来 jìnlái lately; recently

近了 jìnle nigh

近年 jìnnián in recent years

近年来 jìnnián lái in recent years

近日 jìnrì recently

近视 jìnshì myopia; near-sighted

近似 jìnsì approximate; approximated; approximation

近因 jìnyīn proximate

近在咫尺 jìn zài zhǐchǐ close at hand

靠近 kàojìn near

拉近 lā jìn zoom in

邻近 línjìn contiguity; neighbouring

临近 línjìn approaching; near

亲近 qīnjìn close; closeness

贴近 tiējìn close; nearness; nestle

走近 zǒu jìn approached; approaching

最近 zuìjìn recent; recently

Copyright (c) 2021 David Pearce